The World Suicide Prevention Conference was held in Durham on 9th September (WSP Day) to bring together people to help tackle well-being and reduce suicide rates. Three young people from Greenfield Community College were among those who spoke at the conference. They talked of the work they have done together over the last few months with Youth Cree at Greenfield Arts, how it has made them feel and how it has impacted on them and others.
The Youth Cree project is funded by Public Health and GAMP and is designed to promote activity to increase positive well-being. For the past 6 months young people have been working with Greenfield Arts to redesign a new space and deliver activity that makes others feel good.
Nicola Flint, Trevor Davies and Brandon Twidale were invited by Katy Milne, Director of Arts and Creativity at Greenfield Arts, to speak to the 200 plus professionals in attendance, including the National Chief Executive of Public Health, as they have shown real character and confidence throughout the Youth Cree sessions.
They spoke brilliantly from the heart explaining that they have achieved things even they didn’t think possible by being a part of this programme, working to help other people feel good about themselves.
The students received so many positive comments from the audience afterwards, including the Chief Executive of Papyrus about how he was inspired by their speeches, their kindness manifesto and commenting that he will remember to keep his positive pants on!
We are developing this project and are working on activity to help people feel good this winter as the winter months can be a difficult time. To find out more contact Greenfield Arts on 01325 379048 or
Greenfield Students Speak at World Suicide Prevention Conference