The annual Prom Awards is organised and presented by Paul Howarth from Newton News. The sponsors were very generous in supplying the funds to purchase valuable prizes and we thank Newton Aycliffe Tesco Store, Honest John, Newton Aycliffe Town Centre Management, Newton News, The Rotary Club of Newton Aycliffe, Planet Leisure, Newton Press, Co-op FuneralCare, County Councillor Eddy Adam and Councillor Paul Howell.
Special thanks go to John Watling from Co-op FuneralCare and Cllr Paul Howell for attending and helping with the presentations.
Greenfield 2018 Prom Award winners:
Top Sport Student: Adara Natress
Top Academic Student: Rosie Elvidge
Most Improved Art Student: Abbi Greener
Most Improved Music Student: Luis Twidale
Most Improved Technology Student: Siam Smith
Achievement through Adversity: Brianna Atkins
Most Improved Science Student: Tamer Elhasan
Most Improved Language Student: Emma Smith
Most Improved Sport Student: Aiden Ord
Most Improved Overall Student: Ben Maxfield
Contribution to the Community Award: Adam Errington