Dear Sir,
May I start by asking our possible future MP to print more than just an email contact? As an 88 year old resident, I do not have an email address and have no way of contacting Alan Strickland, the Labour candidate for the next election – I have tried County Hall, Town Council and local Labour councillors, none of them have been able to furnish me with a contact number for Alan.
Mr Strickland’s literature does not mention Aycliffe Town Centre. Thirty five years ago, when I first moved to Newton Aycliffe, we had five banks in our town centre and a cash point outside every one of them, where cash could be withdrawn at any time – we now have none. The Banking Hub is located outside of the town centre and you cannot get a printed bank statement.
All the shop units in the town centre were occupied when I moved to the town, there were public toilets and a weekly market.
Doctors surgeries were open longer hours and even on Saturday mornings – we could go to the surgery, check with the receptionist and see a doctor. Now, we have to ring at a certain time, try and make an appointment, go on a waiting list and, sometimes, when you get to the front of the waiting list, you see a nurse. At other times you are advised to attend A&E and wait for hours. Back in the day, you could contact a doctor or chemist out of hours.
So, Mr Strickland, please be more open to the elderly’s requirements and let’s hear your thoughts on the above.
Name and address supplied.