Dear Sir,
The campaigners who tried very hard to maintain the market in Newton Aycliffe were unsuccessful, and its a pity that Councillor Clare failed to push and keep the market in Newton Aycliffe on the Cubby site.
He seems to have the answer for everything as the site at the Cubby was proposed by myself eight months ago in the Newton News. If taken up then there would have been plenty of time for the site to be prepared for the use of the market.
For 28 years the site has been left derelict apart from around The Cubby which has been on the site 30 years or more. As for grasping the nettle and what to do with the Cubby, negotiations have been ongoing with officers of the County Council for years. Myself along with the committee of volunteers have worked tirelessly to maintain the premises and are prepared to come to some amicable arrangement if a new building were to be made available.
Once you lose something you will never get it back and its sad for Newton Aycliffe and the loss of the market.
Councillors are elected to do what the people want not what the Councillor himself thinks is best for us!
Councillor Bill Blenkinsopp