72 residents attended the Aycliffe Village Hall on 1st September to meet with Angela Corner to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan and the future development of the Village.The main issue of the evening was housing – including the site which has been identified at Congreve Terrace for 30 houses.
The overriding concern raised was about poor access. It was agreed that Angela would contact the County Council and gather more information regarding the allocation of this site.
The protection of the village identity was paramount for everyone in attendance. Protection of the green ‘village type’ areas was discussed as well as the need for a buffer zone to ensure it stays as a Village.
Part of the evening was spent discussing ‘potential development sites’ and whether residents felt these sites should be developed on or protected. Angela Corner said “Whilst the residents were concerned about protecting the village from development, it is important for them to consider the younger generations who may want to remain in the village. We now have Hitachi coming a University Technical College which gives future generations even more reasons to want to live locally”
A large number of people were concerned about the speed of vehicles passing through the village on the A167 including the fact that some housing now had access onto the main road which was very dangerous.  Ron Hogg Police Commissioner was in attendance and asked that anyone with an issue could contact his office.
The next step for residents is to complete and return the  questionnaire which is being sent through the Newton News in the next few weeks, Angela Corner will be arranging another Village meeting in November to discuss the findings from the questionnaire so keep an eye out for the date and time of that meeting.