Earlier this year, County Councillors John D Clare, Joan Gray and Mike Dixon did a walkabout on the King’s Drive estate. On the estate are nine areas of red tarmac (see map), formerly play areas, now derelict, which we felt were looking tired.
Three of the areas (2, 3 and 8 on the map) belong to Livin, and we are delighted to tell you that we have contacted Livin, who are considering how they might improve their areas. Of the six areas owned by Durham County Council, there is one very large area (plot 6 on the map) which we will have to leave until another time.
However, we are currently consulting with residents on our proposals:
(a)  to replace the red tarmac/gravel with grass (in areas 1, 4, 5 and 7).
(b)  to put in a dropped-kerb to make one area (9) accessible as an overspill parking area.
This is a fairly large scheme, which will cost £22,000 out of our Neighbourhood Improvement budgets. We believe that the work will significantly improve the aspect of the King’s Drive estate. We hope that the changes will support the efforts of those who wish to make the estate an attractive area of which residents can be proud. You can contact us to tell us what you think about our proposals, but please make it clear whether or not you are a resident of the King’s Drive estate:
T: 03000 268 696
T: 03000 268 713
T: 03000 268 706

Map Kings Drive