On the 22nd of February at the Council Recreation Committee I shall be putting forward a motion asking the Council to make contact with Durham County Council regarding the future of the derelict former Elmfield School site. Readers will recall that some years ago the Elmfield School was demolished and the grounds have since been allowed to deteriorate with rubbish being dumped at the site whilst awaiting development some two decades later. The nearby Whinlatter bridge, whilst waiting to be replaced, is also adding to the air of desolation and untidy vista around the site. Local residents are upset by the way the area has been allowed to deteriorate and indeed have already raised a petition calling for the Whinlatter Bridge to be replaced. What I propose is that Great Aycliffe Town Council adopt the Elmfield site on a long term peppercorn rent basis – in effect to tidy up the whole area extending the beautiful West Park. At this time I am not suggesting we enter into any great financial commitment but only explore a mutually beneficial arrangement. The Benefit to the area is that the residents of the area get an improvement to a site which has become an eyesore, and an almost doubling of the size of West Park open and available to the public. Meanwhile of course Durham County Council also benefit by not having to maintain the former school site at a time when they are short of funds and proposing cuts to maintenance of buildings and land upkeep. Cllr. Ken Robson
New Proposal for Former Elmfield School Site