Newton Aycliffe now has an official, Brazilian Club! Both John Paul Cockerill and Dave Cunliffe are now officially affiliated with the well known North East Jiu Jitsu run by the legendary Ellis Younger! The club will be overseen by Ellis and fellow grapplers to keep the club at a high standard. Two classes will be held a week at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre on Thursday 8.00-9.00pm and Sundays 3.00-4.00pm. Dave and John Paul are well known for martial arts and boxing, MMA, and BJJ Grappling. They decided to open up Aycliffe’s own club to bring the sport to local people. There’s a Facebook page and posters advertising the club and the pair would be happy to teach anyone interested on the days mentioned! Stay tuned for news of competitions and information! Contact John Paul on 07557 655245; Dave on 07854 684712.
New Aycliffe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club Open