Check the Durham County Council help website for more information:

If you don’t have a family member, friend or neighbour who can collect shopping or your prescriptions for you or to provide emotional support to you, there are a number of organisations/groups within your local area who can support you through this difficult time.

It is important that you continue to follow the government’s rules on staying home and away from others. This includes staying 2 meters (6ft) away from other people and washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds on receipt of the goods. This includes any volunteers who may help you.

Supporting Families

Support for families, with baby essentials including: Milk, nappies, baby toiletries, travel systems and other baby equipment.

Newton Aycliffe, Durham.

Contact Sheena, Yvonne or Liz on 07725 369 915.

Newton Aycliffe Foodbank

In order to provide the most appropriate help for the circumstances of your situation we work with local agencies. If they feel you are struggling to put food on the table, they will issue you with a Foodbank voucher. The local agency can also provide long term support if needed to help address some of the issues behind the reasons for your crisis.

Our Foodbank works with a number of different agencies, such as Citizens Advice, children’s centres and health visitors. To find out more about the agencies that hold our vouchers and how you can get help, please contact us.

When you visit a referral agency they will take some basic details from you to complete the voucher. This will help them to identify the cause of your crisis and offer practical guidance. It also means we are able to prepare suitable emergency food for the right number of people.

Once you have been issued with a voucher, you can exchange this for a minimum of three days of emergency food at your nearest Foodbank centre.

We are open Wednesday and Friday, 1.30pm – 3.30pm.

St Clare’s Church, St. Cuthbert’s Way, Newton Aycliffe

Telephone: 0191 303 7559


Aycliffe Play Café

Supporting food poverty, providing food parcels on request. Accommodation and accommodation with support (by referral only).

The Big Club, Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe

Contact Alison Firby

Telephone: 07565 417338

(prefer text, unanswered calls will be returned)


Family Support COVID-19

Play Cafe is supporting families with school aged children who are experiencing difficulties during the Coronavirus crisis. Referrals from agencies and family support workers are welcomed. Support with groceries, personal hygiene products and activities for children.


Tel / text 07565 134194


To help reduce the spread of the virus, we may need to reduce some of services or carry out appointments by phone, where we can. Please contact your local service or worker and they will let you know what that means for you. Please read more about how we will continue to support you.

We provide specialist support/services to those with multiple complex needs.

Our services include: Children and young people, criminal justice and offenders, drug and alcohol misuse, education, training and employment, family support, health, disability services, housing support.

Visit our website to find a support service near you or call us on the number listed.

Telephone: 01325 731 160


Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Housing Support

Our Gypsy, Roma and Traveller support (GRT) project provides housing related support to all main sites within County Durham as well as engaging with those travellers who have settled or wish to move into mainstream housing and accommodation. We can also help with: Improving health and wellbeing, maximising benefits, managing legal issues, planning permission requirements, grant applications etc., improving budgeting skills and reducing debt, improving literacy and numeracy skills, access to education and employment, managing substance misuse issues, improving parenting skills, access support in relation to domestic violence

Telephone: 01325 731 160

DISC Housing Service

We offer accommodation to potential tenants who are considered high risk by other housing services because they may be facing issues such as unemployment, substance misuse, domestic violence, mental health, physical disability, leaving care, anti-social/offending behaviour and poor basic skills. We have a range of different types of housing and accommodation services throughout the north of England. We are continually increasing the number of properties we have on a daily basis and have links with a range of other key people that enable us to take on a specific property to meet the needs of our tenants.

If you think we can help you please visit our website or call the number listed.

Telephone: 01325 731 160


Junction 7

We are a Foodbank service based in the Newton Aycliffe area. Access to the service is by appointment only.

For more information, or to arrange an appointment please contact us on the details listed.

7 Silverdale Place, Newton Aycliffe

Telephone: 07783 539 167


Optimum Skills

Are offering short online courses for the employed and the unemployed.

Ground Floor, Bede House, St Cuthberts Way,

Newton Aycliffe DL5 6DX

Chelsea: 07806 768354

Telephone: 01325 311 832



is a service for young people aged 16 to 25 years who are vulnerable, homeless or in unsuitable accommodation. We can help you in two ways:

Accommodation-based services – We provide supported housing to provide you with a stable environment and extra help. Our staff are available to help you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Young people who need intensive support are housed in shared accommodation within the local community.

Floating Support – We provide housing-related support to vulnerable people for short periods of time from a few weeks up to two years. We can help you wherever you live, whether you are tenants, living in temporary housing or homeowners. We will help you to remain independent and sort out the difficulties you are having. Floating support is available for single people, couples or those who are part of a family group.

Hope House, Burnhope, Newton Aycliffe
Contact Mandy Shaw

Telephone: 01325 310 009


Middridge Covid Response Group

We are looking to provide essential services for those in need. These are split into proactive telephone support – providing a regular telephone check-in/contact as required to reduce the impact of social isolation, and reactive practical assistance such as: Necessary shopping, prescription collection, possibly lifts to urgent appointments where volunteer capacity allows.

We are posting updates and useful info on our Facebook group (Middridge Residents Forum) and we have also formed a closed group specifically for active volunteers. We hope to build on this with regular volunteer support meetings etc if the demand starts to pick up (Middridge only)

Telephone: 07771 540 193


County Durham Together

The ‘County Durham Together’ virtual support hub contact details are:

Telephone: 03000 260260

Online help form:

Opening Hours:

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm & Saturday & Sunday 10am-3pm

(these hours are subject to change, and could potentially be extended in the near future).