I have been delighted to support Jonathan Vasey, who works for me in Westminster, in his efforts to fund a project called iComms for ICUs. This started with a request from staff at Kings College Hospital and St Thomas’ Hospital in London. This was well before the Prime Minister ended up as a patient there, they were looking for iPads that could be used by patients and NHS staff in intensive care units.

This then started a process looking for any surplus equipment in Westminster that could help. Due to the kindness of Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Parliament have donated 300 iPads to hospitals throughout the UK.

So far, the iComms for ICUs project has distributed over 200 iPads across the UK, reaching over 1000 patients in ICUs. 72 of these iPads have been donated to Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust covering all the hospitals in our area. These iPads are allowing patients in hospital to communicate with their families back home, at a time when visiting is impossible during the coronavirus pandemic. They are also allowing NHS staff in the ICU wards to update families on the condition of patients. In some tragic cases, these iPads allow patients to say goodbye to their loved ones for the last time, meaning they will not die alone.

We all owe a great debt of gratitude to the brave and dedicated NHS staff across the UK. These iPads will at least bring a glimmer of light to some in these dark days.

Paul Howell MP

Member of Parliament for Sedgefield


07464 898442