The acting Durham, Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner and Durham Constabulary have issued their 2020 Rural Policing Statement.

The rural crime rate across the Durham Constabulary area is relatively low, but we need to be aware that crime is still happens and can affect livelihoods. There are different challenges within the rural areas, and to address them we need to work together. The knowledge and experience of the community are vital to enabling the police to tackle crime. Local people, working hand-in-hand with their local police officers, can make a real difference to the safety of their communities. Working together is the key.

The 2020 Statement has been written in accordance with Ron Hogg’s Police, Crime and Victims’ Plan and continues to strive towards achieving the vision for rural policing, which was introduced with the first statement back in 2016. The vision is “People living in the more rural parts of County Durham and Darlington will feel safe. They will know that their concerns about crime and anti-social behaviour will be understood and addressed by the police and partners’.

Over the last 12 months, though collaborative working between the community and partners, great progress has been made towards improving policing and community safety in our rural areas including:

 The introduction of Police Community Safety Volunteers (PCSVs), who provide visible policing presence across the Force area. There are now 10 terrific PCSVs, with dedicated resources in the Durham Dales, giving their time to protect their communities.

 the fleet of drones has been supplemented enabling the Police to deploy them across the constabulary where the need is greatest.

 the identification and training of Durham Constabulary Officers from across the force area to act as the link between local wildlife incidents and members of the public.

Acting PCVC Steve White said “The publication of this our 4th Rural Crime Statement illustrates the commitment of the PCVC and Constabulary to tackle the wide range of issues faced by our rural communities. The overarching message is that we want people to have confidence in reporting matters to the police. So that together with our partners, we can provide sustainable solutions. Our countryside is very special as are the people who live and work it.”

Chief Constable Jo Farrell added: “Neighbourhood policing has been a driving force in tackling rural crime as it allows communities to have that access to a local police officer who is aware of specific issues and can be a familiar face for residents.

“This local accessibility is the backbone to tackling rural crime and gives people the confidence to come forward and report incidents.

“It also ensures people’s voices are heard and allows us to tackle issues, along with our partner organisations, across the entire force area.

“We will always strive to work with local communities to create opportunities where information can be shared in environments where people feel confident to do so.

“I would encourage residents to report all crimes and approach your local neighbourhood team.”

People should report incidents as follows:

- You can contact your local Neighbourhood Team at Durham Constabulary by calling 101 and asking for your local area – but in an emergency always phone 999.

- anonymously by through Crimestoppers’ and their new dedicated Rural Crime Reporting Line (0800 783 0137) or through an online form.