With age, muscle decreases and sadly you wave bye bye to leaner days. As this happens it is easy to incur injury, lose mobility and flexibility. Joint pain increases and good co-ordination becomes a thing of the past.
The body retains more fat at 50+, minerals are lost in the bones and thinning can occur. The bones may become fragile normally resulting in broken bones in bad weather and for some Osteoporosis.
Flexibility decreases as ligaments shorten and lose their ability to withstand stress. Muscles lose size, strength, and motor skills especially co- ordination, giving you the simple answer to why you lose balance and have falls or tumbles.
Activity at the correct level helps us as we go through life. In an average person our cardiovascular system declines by approx. 30% from 30-70 years, which is a natural process, but this can be helped by activity and regular exercise which can slow the physiological changes of ageing by as much as 50%.
This can result in an active 60 years old having a more efficient cardiovascular system than an inactive 25 years old. Weight bearing exercises and low impact cardio exercises reduce the risk of osteoporosis, tones fat, tones muscles, reduces bone fractures later in life, reduce frequency of falls, will make the body more mobile and less stiff gradually increasing flexibility.
This is your chance to make the change with Exercise 50+ Fitness Classes. A fun, friendly and sociable class with qualified instructor. Classes cost £3.50 per week starting Thursday 22nd November from 10-11am, Aycliffe Village Hall. Also Legs, Bums and Tums Classes 16yrs+ , Heighington Village Hall every Thursday 6-7pm – £3.50. Enquires to Alex on 0777 4513389.