Dear Sir,
It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this, but I am having to close down ‘Supporting Families’ due to ill health. Thanks so much to my dedicated volunteers – Yvonne Beynon, Liz Joy, Rachel Stephenson and Bob Munn, without them it wouldn’t have been possible because TEAM means Together Everyone Achieves More.
I would also like to thank the Rotary club for their continued support, the Grandmas and Knit & Natter at St. Elizabeth’s Church, who knitted for us, Shirley Tesco Community Champion, Play Cafe, John and Sian for storing some equipment in their unit, Clear & Care in the Community for donating clothes to us, Melissa from Aldi, for getting our toiletries quickly when we needed them, my brother in Edinburgh for getting donations for us and especially the families in and around Newton Aycliffe who supported us by giving us donations of clothes and baby equipment.
Thank you all so much again everyone for your help and support, it really was appreciated.
Best wishes
Sheena Stephenson
Supporting Families to Close