Dear Sir, Can I be blunt? As a councillor I too would welcome more females in the council chamber, not necessarily in just the Labour group and I would also like to see more ladies heading up committees and as leaders. I believe women would be an asset to the business of the council, however this must be decided on merit not on positive discrimination. Our mayor is decided by the labour group and no account is taken of Independents who may be brilliant in this role. The reason given by the Labour group is that as their party is the largest it is their right to choose the mayor. Based upon this logic it would appear, that as most Labour councillors are male then they are perhaps applying the same logic to female Chairwomen. Can we please use a little common sense and remember we are elected to represent our constituents not fight battles of the sexes. If female members of the public feel they are underrepresented on our council, feel free to stand as Independents. Can I finish this letter by reporting that the Labour led town council have no interest in emptying the boating lakes and cleaning them out as stated by the Leader of the Labour group at the last town council environment meeting. Claiming that the smell would attract complaints from local residents. Councillor Ken Robson Working for residents of the West Ward
Positive Discrimination an Independents View