Dear Sir,

I am sure that a lot of residents and visitors to our town, here in Newton Aycliffe, will agree with me, that on the whole it is an attractive location and in the main well kept.

However, it does have the odd down side that no one seems to be bothered about, ie: the number of vehicles illegally parked on our streets both during daylight and darkness and the gangs of youths roaming about, which in itself is intimidating to both the elderly and the very young.

However, I have been taking notice of a traffic sign which has either been hit by a vehicle or vandalised. The sign in question is at the junction with Greenfield Way and Williamfield Way, it indicates a cycle path. This sign has been in its damaged state for about twelve months and no one in authority has took it upon themselves to report it to the correct department.

Police Officers, Councillors, livin staff and Durham County Council staff, all of whom must have passed this damaged sign on numerous occasions – but it seems not one of these has bothered themselves about it.

The point I am making is, are all of these people in authority only interested in certain aspects of Newton Aycliffe and not the Town as a whole?

Name and address supplied