County Durham’s army of unpaid carers is being offered a helping hand to take break from their responsibilities. Durham County Council and the North Durham and Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) have once again secured funding to help some of the 60,000 carers in the area take time out for themselves.
The Government cash can be used to pay for a variety of break activities and equipment as well as holidays for carers of people with a range of conditions.
Cllr Morris Nicholls, Durham County Council’s Cabinet member for adult services, said: “The council and the CCGs recognise and value the support provided by unpaid carers in the county and through this funding we hope to give them the chance to have a well-earned break from what can be a very demanding role.”
For more information about carers’ breaks, visit or call Social Care Direct on 0845 8 50 50 10 during office hours.