Dear Sir,

Aycliffe Village Residents Association (AVRA) have been operating a Community Speed Watch since September. Speeds have been monitored along Durham Road and also on the A167 into the Village from the bypass. The results have shown a general reduction of speeds on Durham Road in the mornings at school times, and, considering that the monitoring point is a significant distance from the 30 restriction sign is a positive result. The average number of speeders was 10% of the total recorded on Durham Road of 118 vehicles.

On the A167 there were 66 speeders out of 850 vehicles.

These figures are combined from September and October monitoring and this monitoring will continue over coming months.

The details of offenders are registered on the Durham Police Computer for future reference and action from Durham Police.

The A167 has also had positive results whilst the monitoring is taking place but at other times speeds of some vehicles is far too high and AVRA are again taking this up with Durham County Council to investigate the possibility of further more permanent measures to address this problem.

There have also been a number of complaints about the speed of some vehicles on the road that crosses the Green from the County towards the lower end. Many children are present on the Green especially when the weather is warm and many families are seated outside the County with numerous vehicles parked on the road reducing the width to single lane. 20 is plenty on the Green and most drivers are careful, just a few who are not.