As part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations Newton Press sponsored the Aycliffe Business Park September meeting held at the Aston Hotel last week.
Syd Howarth, founder, thanked the group for the opportunity to support the group and reminded business representatives present that when he started there were no grants, incentives or County Council help.
Proprietors like himself worked very hard learning that success was down to providing the best product and good personal service. He said how fortunate he was as a family business that his three sons had joined him, each running a particular department. Syd introduced his son Stuart who gave a short summary of  Newton Press services and capacity.
The meeting was probably the best attended since the organisation was formed almost a year ago, much to the delight of the Chairperson Kerina Clark and Steering Group.


Stuart Howarth addressing the meeting

stu howarth talking


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business group