Untitled-1 WEB

On Wednesday 5th June my class (Year 4) went litter picking and learnt so much! We found crisp packets, sweet wrappers, cans, tissues and lots more!

All these things were dropped by other people on the pathways around our school. It looks horrible but most importantly it could cause damage to the environment and people may no longer want to live here.

Litter could hurt wild animals for example glass can stab or cut them, they could choke on small things or they could suffocate on plastic bags.

If you go for a walk or you are in the car and you need to get rid of some litter please think about your actions. Should you throw it on the floor or should you put it in a bin or even take it home?

Germs and micro- organisms live on the litter and this can cause decease in humans and other animals.

I hope I have convinced you not to drop litter and will make the right choice in future.

Litter is for bins and not for the floor.

Sophie, St Mary’s Primary School.