Starting Bank Holiday at 2.00pm 6th May, 2018, Cllr Ken Robson Vice Chairman of GARA and Secretary Arun Chandran began the gathering the Petition

Households who have signed the Petition:

Silverdale – 54, of which 30 Tenants, 17 Home Owners and 7 Private Tenants.

Langdale – 52, of which 37 Tenants, 14 Home Owners, 1 Private Tenant.

Eskdale36, of which 24 Tenants, 9 Home Owners, 3 Private Tenants

Whinlatter 43, of which 24 Tenants, 16 Home Owners, 3 Private Tenants

Kirkstone 38, of which 22 Tenants, 10 Home Owners, 6 Private Tenants.

Honister – 66, of which 34 Tenants, 20 Home Owners, 3 Private Tenants

Tenants are overwhelmingly AGAINST Option 3

In a lot of cases Tenants and Owners have received visits from Livin and were completely unsatisfied by Livin’s answer and their flat refusal to put anything in writing.

Total Homes Opposed to Livin’s Option 3 as at 10th June 2018 are: 289 (of which: Owners 110, Tenants 179).

That’s 85% of homes visited by GARA to date. 39 were in favour of demolition, (of which Owners 10, Tenants 29), 10 had not made their mind up.

There are 514 homes on the estate and the petition will continue until each house has been visited and a response received.

Cllr Arun M Chandran

Cllr KenRobson

Great Aycliffe Residents Association

EDITOR: While Livin received a £284,000 grant to pay for their work and staff time to determine whether the scheme is acceptable, GARA is conducting their work on behalf of the community voluntarily.

Many hours have been spent knocking on people’s doors getting their signatures for the petition to be handed in to the relevant authority.