The annual Rotary Club Christmas Community Concert held at the Leisure Centre before the holidays was a wonderful occasion and brought much enjoyment to all who attended.
Seven schools made up the programme of great entertainment with the audience singing favourite carols and songs in between the performances led on the keyboard by former Head Teacher of Heighington School, George Dixon.
John Melvin local entertainer, musician and teacher organised the sound equipment, playing backing tracks for the musical items performed by school choirs. Schools taking part were Sugar Hill, Stephenson Way Academy, Vane Road School, Woodham Academy, Greenfield College, Horndale County Infants school, Aycliffe Village Primary and John Melvin Singers. Woodham Academy presented a special dance gymnastic piece which brought great applause from the audience. The schoolchildren were magnificent and the joy they bring to this occasion was seen by the smiles and laughter filling the hall. Santa Claus made an appearance to add to the excitement of the season.
Without the town schools this occasion would not be possible.
It was a wonderful community event and the Rotary Club are so grateful to the schools that take part for supporting this seasonal event demonstrating the hard work by teachers in preparing students for this religious festival.
The Mayor Mary Dalton and the President of the Rotary Club Denese Cartwright added their appreciation for the school performances and passed on their best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Thanks were expressed to the Leisure Centre for hosting the Concert and County Councillors for covering the hire charge from their community budget. Rev Elizabeth Bland from St. Clare’s gave the Christmas Blessing. A raffle and retiring collection raised cash for the Rotary Club annual appeal which provides Christmas Hampers for the town’s needy families.

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