Corrinn Chambers taught Zumba in Aycliffe Leisure Centre a few years ago and her classes were very popular, sometimes reaching as many as 90 plus in its hey-day!
Corrinn had a baby a year ago, but is now back teaching Zumba at the Youth & Community Centre every Monday night from 6.30pm until 7.30pm with each class costing just £3.50.
Corrinn’s classes are high energy and set to great music but most of all they are lots of fun. We laugh a lot and don’t take ourselves too seriously, but everyone gets a safe and effective workout by a certified Zumba instructor.
Corrinn offers a loyalty card for her customers so that when you pay for nine classes you get your 10th class free. Corrinn said even if you have tried Zumba before come along and give my class a ‘wiggle’, I’m confident you will leave tired but with a smile on your face.
Zumba Fun with Corrinn is Back