Monday to Friday – Aycliffe Day Nursery open from: 7-30am to 6pm. Hours outside of these can be discussed with Jane or by by calling 07761 818514
Monday: Aycliffe Spiritualists 7pm to 9pm contact alan 07947 869910
Tuesday: Anderson Football Club: 6-30pm to 7-30pm for 4 to 11 year old boys and girls. Contact Dale on 07411 009487 or Ron 07749 236853
Art class: 1pm to 3pm. Contact Andy 0191 3732485
Wednesday: Tai Chi Class 6-45pm to 8pm – Art & Craft Workshops for school aged children. Contact Val on 07786 564461
Thursday: Hall available for hire from 6-30pm and meeting room all hours: Ring Ron 07749 236853.
Friday: PK All Stars Youth Club for 5 to 11 year olds. Autumn date to be arranged for restarting after summer break: watch your Newton News for this. Will be on from 6 pm to 7-30pm. Ring Ron 07749 236853
Weekend hire available for birthday parties at a cost of £25 for 3 hours with full use of all the centre. For this or any other type of booking ring Ron on 07749 236853.