Dear Sir,
Once again our politicians, of all colours, tarnish the reputation of our once globally respected Parliament.
It amazes me how they can refer to each other as the honourable member, as very few of them are honourable, in fact, many have proven themselves to be deceitful, dishonest and untrustworthy.
Whether the good people of our proud nation voted to stay or leave we must respect democracy, sadly party politics have been employed to thwart the will of the people. Democracy died when our representatives defied the will of the masses.
Promises were made with no regard for truth by all sides in the debates leading up to the Brexit referendum, an attempt to get a reasonable following for Theresa May’s government, decimated the Tory majority in the 2017 election and inevitably has led to the forthcoming election.
Very few people are aware of the details laid out in the deal proposed by Boris Johnson’s Tory government, a slanging match is taking place between the main parties which gives no-one confidence and offers an opportunity for the Scottish Nationalists to drive a wedge into the United Kingdom with the possibility of then breaking away of Scotland from the union.
Yes, the Tories, in league with the Liberal Democrats led us into an era of damaging Austerity which has left many vulnerable people in poverty but sadly it is the young people of our great nation who have lost respect for politicians which is the largest failure of all. MPs who were lining their pockets with expenses, Liam Burns’ letter claiming there was no money left or Gordon Browns failure to address immigration when confronted by a member of the public.
Perhaps the worst crime committed by our government was the extending of the period between elections to five years. It was always stated that if we were not satisfied with the government, we could kick them out and replace them, but the question is who with? I would propose that the maximum time in office between elections should be three years which should concentrate the minds of those collecting huge salaries and cruising through their terms.
The North East has languished in the doldrums for far too long, our politicians have seen us as safe seats and only good for industrial workers as decreed by the Northern Powerhouse doctrine.
Despite the trials of unemployment, recession, Austerity and Universal Credit the people of the North have organised foodbanks to feed the hungry, credit unions to fight the money lenders and residents’ organisations who fight for our rights.
As the election looms our politicians need to be telling us what they are going to do for us.
We know that the undemocratic Liberals would keep us tied to Europe.
We know that Labour have a candidate who is not in favour of Brexit yet is no Corbynite either.
We have a Conservative candidate who is a local guy, has done a great job as a County Councillor for our town and puts himself forward to answer questions and attend public meetings.
We also have various other candidates who would like our vote.
Your vote your choice but if Democracy is to survive please vote.
Ken Robson