Thursday 29th August was another momentous day for the Helping Hands team when they moved their resources into St Clare’s in the town centre.
Project Leader Alwyn White says ‘distributing our resources from St Clare’s is taking us on to a completely new level. We have struggled for storage space for sometime now, so much so we have had to restrict the amount of people we have been able to help. We will now be able to help at least another 500 people over the next few months because of St Clare’s generosity in allowing us to use their premises to reach out to the most needy people in our community’
The Helping Hands project continues to be developed to support people in crisis living in the Newton Aycliffe and surrounding areas. The project supports them through the provision of basic goods such as cleaning products, food, clothing, blankets, personal hygiene products etc. We access these products and using volunteers, we get these supplies to those who desperately need them. Individuals and families apply to us using a very simple form to access the support, and then our volunteers work to distribute the goods they need.
Redundancy, illness, benefit delay, domestic violence, debt, family breakdown and paying for the additional costs of heating during winter are just some of the reasons why people find themselves in crisis.
If you are in crisis please phone the Helping Hands team 07936431262
St. Clares Give a Helping Hand