I hope this blog finds everyone well, under the circumstances, and with the Government announcement this week, that you are all looking forward to having a better Christmas than we anticipated a few months ago.

Firstly, I have to apologise for not submitting a blog in a few months now, but the last eight months have been absolutely hectic, trying to deal with our normal business on top of the problems that Covid-19 brings.

In my 25 years of policing, I haven’t known a year like it, and hope, with vaccines around the corner, that we don’t have another one like it. Despite criticism from some quarters, I am very proud of how our organisation have adapted to ever changing guidance and law, in a role that is dangerous at normal times, having to maintain a level of service, when many are rightly worried about personal safety and the health of friends, family and colleagues. As you will know, if you read my previous blogs, on the neighbourhood team, we deal with everything from crime to anti-social behaviour and registered sex offenders, to people living in the community with an array of mental health issues and vulnerability. We support our colleagues on response teams that deal with the 24/7 immediate jobs, and CID who look at priority and serious crime to problem solve around repeat callers, locations and offenders.

During the first lockdown we saw a decrease in crime and anti-social behaviour. However, when these restrictions were eased, these figures soon returned to normal levels. We also saw rising incidents of ASB, particularly in the Western area of Newton Aycliffe, which we have responded to by increasing foot patrols, carrying out dispersal orders (removing known trouble makers from the area for a limited period), dealing robustly with known causers of ASB, and looking at innovative ways to divert youths from getting involved in such activity. We have also used the Operation Endurance Team to actively target known riders of off-road bikes/quads and the areas they cause issues. Many youths are now engaging with the Youth Offending Team after being dealt with for a variety of offences, and we were successful in obtaining a Criminal Behaviour Order on one youth who is responsible for a large proportion of ASB in the Western area (we are pleased to say that this particular youth appears to want to make amends now for his behaviour and is working with us on a diversionary programme for youths in the area and some restorative measures).

So, despite some opinion from prominent members in the Western area of Newton Aycliffe, we do care, we want to make the area a safer place to reside, and are trying our best to work with partners to reduce problems in this area. The community have been fantastic recently in giving us the evidence we need to effectively do our jobs. We have received photos/videos of off road bikes (many that we could make an identification from), information with regards to vulnerability that we can assist with, and intelligence with regards to the use of drugs. As I write this, we have just executed a Magistrates Search warrant at an address in Newton Aycliffe and recovered drugs. All of this is not possible without your help and I thank you for that. Please keep this coming, please help us to help you.

The winter nights are coming in, please don’t make it easy for criminals to target your home, take the steps highlighted in the attached poster to protect your property.

Take care of yourself and your families.

Sergeant Andy Boyd