This week was a very busy one with the road racing calendar starting to pick up for this year. It was also another great weekend weather wise making the races more pleasant for this time of year. The racing started through the week with Mark Wade and Dave Blewitt taking part in the Pie and Peas Night Trail 5k for which the runners had to wear a head torch but enjoyed pie and peas on completion of their race. First home was Mark Wade in 18.53 who was second overall followed by Dave Blewitt in 26.01. On Saturday several members attended the local Parkruns with two members both achieving course PB’s at Shildon. Mark Bainbridge in 21.30 and Warren Raine in 26.48. The first race of the weekend was the National Cross Country Championships. The location for these races changes each year and this year they took place on Saturday 23rd February 2019 at Harewood House in Leeds. We had one male athlete, Mark Wade, make the trip for the undulating two lap 12k course. In the senior men’s race there were over 2000 competitors. Mark completed this course in 49.19. Later that night one of our members took part in the Duergar Nightcrawler race. This is a 10 mile single loop race which starts and finishes in Rothbury. As indicated by the name this take place during the night and participants have to wear head/body lights. The route itself follows paths and trails as it climbs to the top of Simonside Crag after which there is then a short and steep descent which then snakes through woodland trails before joining back on the trail back into Rothbury. Richard Tonge took on this challenge which he completed in 2 hours 24 mins. On Sunday we saw husband and wife, Ste and Angela Sutheran, take the trip to Pocklington, East Yorks for the Snake Lane 10 mile race. This is a fairly flat race in the East Yorkshire Countryside in which a section of it ‘snakes’ its way around the foot of the Wolds. Ste completed this race in 1.08.47 and Angela in 1.26.44. One of our second claim members, Paul Dalton, also completed this race. Running for the Quakers, he completed this in 1.00.24. Finally we had a large turnout for the 5th fixture in the Tees Trail winter series. This race took place at Tees Barrage. It is a popular race along the trails by the river Tees and is part of our club championship. First home for the club and first overall was John Surtees in 17.14, he was followed by Andy Talbot 19.25, Tracey Surtees 19.50 (also first woman), Richard Holland 20.10, Stuart Joyce 20.39, Trevor Needham 22.02, Dave Blewitt 22.10, John Burnside 22.19, Rob Jayne 23.42, John Richardson 24.10, David Stothard 24.22, Trish Kay 24.37, Sandrine Boinet-Hewitt 28.35, Jane Burnside 30.27, Susan Clark 31.05, Yvonne Williams 31.45 and Eve Doe 34.40 For anyone interested in joining the club, you can simply turn up at one of our sessions, all of which start from the Oakleaf Complex in Newton Aycliffe. Monday night is beginners run at 6.30p.m., Tuesday is endurance/speed session from 7.00p.m., and Thursday is a track session and this takes place at Shildon Track. Further details can be found on our website or facebook pages or alternatively you can message the club via facebook for more information.