Emma Flynn of Walcher Road is running in the Virgin London Marathon on 13th April. She decided to put herself through this ordeal when her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in July 2013. She sadly passed away in November which has propelled her to raise even more money for the British Lung Foundation who do amazing work promoting awareness of the early signs and symptoms of lung cancer.
The later this disease is diagnosed the deadlier it is and Emma’s mother died four months after diagnosis. If she had been diagnosed earlier she may have had a fighting chance as Lung Cancer remains the deadliest in the UK.
Emma held a fancy dress party along with a raffle and lottery. It was a very successful night yet poignant as her Mum’s funeral was held the day before.
After the success of this night Emma decided to hold a further fundraising night in June of this year at Planet Leisure with a target of 300 ticket sales.  There will be an auction and raffle with a sports theme, but Emma is also collecting general raffle prizes too!
Emma told Newton News: “My mother was 57 years old and after being widowed three years ago had just found happiness with a new partner before being robbed of her life. I feel robbed too as do all her grandchildren.
I’m trying to raise money to help prevent other families being put through this tragedy and I would be delighted with any kind of help.”
Contact Emma on 0785 4045245, https://www.facebook.com/emma.flynn.9862, or donate on http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/EmFlynn

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Fancy Dress Party attendees


Emma with her late Mother, Christine