An open letter from concerned residents from Clarence Chare road in response to the article in the Newton News, week ending September 23rd regarding Off Road parking at Gilpin Road.


Clarence Chare residents were extremely upset as to why they were allocated this facility in the first place and secondly that once again local Councillors appear to haver forgotten the Clarence Chare area. Residents cannot understand what investigations went into this off road parking prior to the allocated funding, and how the local Councillors backed this project when for many years we have asked for this facility, only to be given various excuses as to why it could not be implemented in our street. The Clarence Chare area always has congestion as a well used road by vehicles, a bus route and now large trucks carrying building materials to the new housing development at Clarence Court, day and night, causing damage to the roads. Whilst I understand congestion in Newton Aycliffe is a problem for many and personal parking is a major concern, I do acknowledge many of the areas that received off road parking were in desperate need, however many areas receiving this facility were not! I can understand there is more traffic flow in Gilpin Road however,  I would like it noted that it is not a bus route, nor do the large trucks/lorry’s use this road on a daily basis, unlike Clarence Chare which is a main thoroughfare. Clarence Chare has been overlooked again and we appear not to have a County Councillor championing our cause.