Dear Sir,
Twice every year the bedding plants are replaced by the council as it is more cost effective for new plants to be purchased than to look after old plants. Most are removed and composted.
Along with several other ordinary Newtonians we take the old flowers from beds using our wheelbarrows and vans and it would have been lovely if more could have been saved.
I do not condone theft and if you check with Mr. Curry at Durham County Council he will confirm the removal of old plants is allowed.
The article in the paper could have been avoided if the sleuth had asked why the plants were being taken in daylight or if Newton news had researched the information.
An apology from the person who wrote the letter would be nice. Mrs. P.
Name & address supplied.
Editor: Newton News received several letters on this subject and we did speak to a County Councillor who asked Steve Johnson, DCC Clean & Green Supervisor to contact Newton News who confirmed the individual had taken the plants with consent from Council employees.
It would appear no council employee was around when the plants were taken so the lady who reported the incident jumped to the wrong conclusion. On her behalf we apologise.
No Theft of Plants