Nemisis Allstars would like to publicly thank the fantastic ‘Honest John’ for his kind donation of £1500 towards new uniforms which are needed for the senior competition squad to participate in competitions in 2018.

Nemesis Allstars is a completely voluntary organisation offering children and adults the opportunity to develop their cheerleading skills. There has recently been an influx in new participants which takes the total number of members to 70.

Both the junior and senior team secured a bid to compete in the “Battle of the Champions” which is being held in Peterborough in June 2018 and Nemesis will go head to head with the best cheerleading athletes across the country. Three of our members have been selected to represent England in the “world” championship in Florida which demonstrates the high calibre of the athletes.

The club recently moved to a venue which has a sprung floor which has benefited the members greatly as they are now able to train on a similar surface to that in competitions. This however came at an increased cost, however the club choose to keep the subs to a minimum so that we do not exclude anybody from joining the club.

We desperately needed a new uniform and the total cost of the uniform is £2940.00 so we contacted Honest John and within days he agreed to donate over half of the cost which is wonderful and will ensure that no member is unable to compete due to financial restrictions.

Honest John dedicates his time to charity which benefits a number of clubs/organisations in the community and this is only possible with kind donations made to his shop to be sold on. If anybody has any items that they no longer need rather than chucking them out or selling for a few pounds please consider donating to his shop so his good work can continue.