Dear Sir,
I write on behalf of my daughter and son-in-law who recently moved into Hatfield Road with a badly overgrown garden which we had to clear and make numerous trips to the Waste Station.
They requested the council to help with removal of waste which never materialised so we had a small garden fire to burn the rubbish, but either a passerby or a neighbour became alarmed and called the Fire Brigade!
The firemen arrived, but did not need to take any action as the garden rubbish was only burning in a 3 foot space and never higher than two foot. We took all the precautions necessary and had bags of sand and a bucket of water nearby if needed.
Smoke may have alarmed neighbours. but the firemen left quite satisfied the fire was under control. If smoke was the problem my daughter apologises although it is hard to burn garden waste without causing smoke.
According to the Council you are allowed to burn garden waste as long as the fire is supervised and this was!
However we are sorry if we have upset anyone.
Mr Laidlaw and family