Dear Sir,
I know that not everyone has access to the internet but nearly everyone has a phone, I tried online to fill in the form for fly tipping but could only get so far as it wouldn’t accept the post code I was entering. I got the phone number for general enquiries which includes all the relevant services you would want. You can contact them on 03000 26 0000 Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.
I was reporting fly tipping in some shrubs opposite Sugar Hill Infant School, the lady I spoke to was very helpful and said if it didn’t belong to the council she would refer it on, one week after my phone call and all the litter and glass had been removed, so, in answer to Vince Crosby’s letter last week about the council not doing the job which they are paid for, they did an excellent job of clearing the shrub area.
Name and address supplied
DCC Doing a Great Job