Great Aycliffe Mothers’ Union will be hosting their annual spring “Daffodil Coffee Morning” on Saturday March 25th, 10.00am till noon at St. Clare’s Church in the town centre. Along with bacon butties and goodies from the kitchen on sale, there is a well stocked home made cake stall. We have a fantastic raffle with some lovely prizes, a jewellery stall and a children’s lucky dip. Children can come along and buy a “Mother’s Day gift.
The icing on the cake for your entertainment on this day, will be the fabulous Shine and Community Choir direct from their “Flash Mob” success in Tesco. Please come along and help us raise funds for St. Clare’s Church which gives so much to our community. Entrance is free, bring as many friends as you want, it will be lovely to see you all.
Daffodil Coffee Morning