During one of her recent online assemblies, Mrs Adamson, Head Teacher at Aycliffe Village Primary School, challenged her pupils to follow in the footsteps of Captain Sir Tom Moore. She had read the children his story ‘100 Steps’. Their challenge was to do something 100 times or complete a challenge in 100 minutes. There were many different challenges completed.

Brother and sister, Max and Ruby Cornes, decided that they would collect 100 pieces of litter. They walked all around their local area looking for litter and cleared it up.

Ruby said, “I think it is important to pick up rubbish because it could harm animals. I was pleased to be helping animals and stopping the environment looking dirty.”

Some children focused upon improving their mental health and well being. Another brother and sister pair, Scarlet and Harrison, did 100 swings on their swing in the garden! While in Year 2 Marnie Swainston got carried away with keeping fit. She did 100 star jumps, 100 jumping jacks and 100 throws and catches of her favourite teddy. She also tried stacking 100 dominoes but her dog knocked them over when she got to 72! Heath, in Year 3, spent 100 minutes building a mansion in his favourite game. Ollie-James, also in Year 3, made 100 cupcakes! They all agreed that doing this was great fun.

The whole of Year 6 took up the challenge and before the end of the school year they want to plant and grow 100 plants. This will involve planting vegetables in the vegetable plot and trees around the grounds.

Mrs Adamson was really impressed with the ideas that the children came up with. She, of course, had to take up the challenge too – she challenged herself and her daughter to complete a 100 piece jigsaw in 100 minutes!

Photos: top: Year 6 preparing to plant, bottom: Ruby and Max litter picking