The CATS Youth Theatre Group have just finished their latest show “Annie” and are now about to start rehearsals for their next production “Mary Poppins”, another family musical favourite. A spokesperson said “Auditions and rehearsals will start in the next week or two on the group’s next show which has the ever popular songs “A Spoonful Of Sugar, Jolly Holiday, Chim Chim Cheree“. We are looking for young people aged 9 to 15 years who would like to be part of this production either Singing, Dancing or Acting. Any young people who would like to join or are a bit undecided, we would like to invite them along to see one of the group’s rehearsals. No commitment to join, just sit and watch one evening.” The CATS group have a long history of performing not only musical productions, but entertaining at Fun Days, Fetes, Charity Shows, Care Homes, and Christmas Specials. For more information ring: 01325 313363 / 07747826324. You’ll be glad you did.
CATS go from Annie to Poppins