St. Andrew’s Church once again throw open its doors on Thursdays, 2pm to 4pm, from now and continuing until the end of September. If, like many, you have often passed through the village, noticed the church and said we must visit that old church, well, now is your chance, it is a lovely church to visit.The original church was built in Saxon times and much of the Saxon stonework is still visible.
There are few finer places to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, in pleasant surroundings than this beautiful old church of St. Andrew’s. Take time to look at some of the old tombstones in the old churchyard while you are here or simply steep yourself in the history of the church and its parish.
Stewards will be available to answer any questions or give you a guided tour. Group visits can be arranged at other times.
For more information contact: D. Herbert 01235 300040.