On Sunday 11 September 1407 (Newton Aycliffe) Squadron, Air Cadets were among 200 cadets and staff from across Durham/Northumberland Wing who took part in the Battle of Britain Parade in Durham. The Cadets attended a Service of Commemoration in Durham Cathedral before
marching round Palace Green, accompanied by the Wing’s band, with the Lord-Lieutenant of County Durham, Mrs Sue Snowdon, taking the salute. The squadron is currently recruiting new cadets. If you are in Yr8 or above at school and are interested in finding out more about Air Cadets then
come along to Squadron HQ in Barnard Armoury, Greenwell Rd on Monday or Thursday evenings, 7.00 – 9.30pm. Photo: Staff and cadets from 1407 with Mrs Sue Snowdon, Lord Lieutenant of Durham and Sqn Ldr John Scott, Deputy Wing Commander of DNW.
Aycliffe Air Cadets on Parade