Each Tuesday in the school holidays, the children’s team @ St. Clare’s Church will host KIDZFLICKS, a cinema club for children and their carers. Come along if you are in charge of the children during the holidays, we welcome mums, dads, childminders, holiday clubs, grandparents and all!
We begin on Tuesday 22nd July at 2pm with The Lego Movie – a  brand new release, great bargain at £1 per seat. Roborex and Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairies are just two of the movies planned over the holidays.
We will advertise the films weekly in the glass porch entrance of the church. A tuck shop selling drinks and sweets from 20pm will open at 1.30pm each week and we will also be selling ice lollies. So enjoy the ‘party in the park’ and end the day relaxing with a film. Tuesday’s sorted!