The County Durham Wellbeing for Life service is working in the local communities to support the prevention of suicide and raise awareness of the importance of talking to someone.

The Wellbeing for Life Service will start their campaign on Tuesday 10 September, which is World Suicide Prevention Day.

In 2017 5,821 suicides were registered in the UK alone and men are three times as likely to take their own lives as women.

There is no simple explanation for why someone chooses to die by suicide and it is rarely due to a particular factor. There are a huge amount of complex issues which can contribute to thoughts of suicide, including money worries, family relationships and employment. Wellbeing for Life are encouraging people to seek help and talk to someone.

Marnie Ramsey, Wellbeing Capacity Building and Volunteer Lead, said “If you feel that things are getting to you, please talk to someone. It could be your neighbour, a family member, a friend or work colleague or you can phone the Samaritans, free on 116 123. The Samaritans are available round the clock, every single day of the year; whoever you are and however you feel. It’s OK, not to be OK.”

Wellbeing for Life will be running their Suicide Prevention campaign until Thursday 10 October which is World Mental Health Awareness Day. For further information about this campaign, please contact Marnie Ramsey on 0800 8766887.