By Charlie and Natasha in Year 6

On Monday, 20th April we had a special visitor, John McBride from the  Cafod local office who came to visit our school and collect the cheque for the money we had raised during Lent.
Our £550, will soon become £1100, (thanks to the Government matching what we have raised). We raised this money by holding a school craft fair suggested by the Mini Vinnie’s. Each class also collected money during Lent. Parents and governors from our school were invited to the assembly.
All of the classes made something to sell, e.g. Year 6 children made paper flowers and flower pots; Reception children were artists for the afternoon, making portraits. We aimed at make at least £200, but we far exceeded our target.
John shared some stories with us about how some children in Africa are not as lucky as we are and don’t get the opportunity to go to school. We learnt how 14p would allow a child in Kenya to go to school. (We were amazed by this!) Unfortunately children and adults had to travel 5 hours there and 7 hours back very often to just have water.
We learnt how this water was not what we were used to, but instead full of parasites and disease. We realised how much of the basic things in life we take for granted.
With our money we raised; hopefully more children will have the chance to go to school and have cleaner water to drink. He also gave us the e-mail address of the school in Kenya to keep in touch.
Parents commented on how upsetting and moving the assembly was; it made them realise how lucky we are in our school and how much we take for granted.
We all enjoyed raising this money and preparing items to sell- we are already planning what to do next year!

st marys cafod