The recently launched Mini Vinnies group at St. Mary’s school started their first project working with the children in class 4 as they prepared their Harvest Service in church and ensured that parents and grandparents donated lots of jars, tins, fresh fruit and vegetables. Children from the group were chosen to go out with Mrs. Brown and parish SVP helpers Gerardine and Molly. Over the coming months the rest of the group will visit house-bound people in the town, helping to put a big smile on their faces.
This is what they thought…
Ebony: “My best part was visiting Kath who knew my mam and family.”
Sophie: “I enjoyed seeing the smiles on people’s faces. We even got a donation to help in our work.”
James: “Ruby was funny; she told great jokes and made me smile.”
Leo: “The best part was visiting Helen; the shock on her face when she saw us, then the smile when she realised we had brought her a gift.”
We will keep you updated on our work in the coming month.
By St. Mary’s Mini Vinnies

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