Dear Sir,
Why do DJ’s and live performers insist on having their music so loud you can’t hear the person next to you speaking?
It is quite common to go into a function and see people shouting at each other above the noise of the music, actually yelling into people’s ears to be heard.
They come to socialise, to meet and talk with their friends and it is an intrusion for performers to turn up the volume to interfere with normal conversation.
It is also a health risk and very damaging to the ears. This noise problem has been recognised and measures were being introduced to govern sound to a healthy decibel level which also allows people to converse.
People have been warned and prosecuted for playing loud music to the annoyance of neighbours, but what about clubs who allow noise of 120 decibels and over? Can they be held to task for the damage they are causing to their staff and customers ears.