Whilst out for a pleasant, or so I had hoped, midday promenade around the area in which I reside, I was utterly disgusted to find dog excrement still appears on our pathways in this day and age. Within a small area, specifically from the new builds on Woodham Way to Pemberton Road I counted twelve piles of the stuff – this is only what I could see from the path, goodness knows how many more piles are lurking out of sight. The offending parcels appear to be of a consistent size, suggesting a larger breed. My detective antenna believes the offending dog owner will live either on Pemberton or the opposite side of the road as they will most likely be too bone idle to take man’s best friend further afield . . . Come on you know who you are . . . PICK IT UP . . . If you’re kind enough to take care of your canine do the right thing, you are giving the rest of us canine carers a bad name. A Dog Lover