Dear Sir,
I’m not surprised that local businesses are circa. 85% in favour of Britain remaining in the EU (Phil Wilson MP’s ‘straw poll’).  However, I would be surprised if this is the wish of the majority of their employees. Businesses want Britain to remain a ‘low-wage’ economy and need unfettered EU migration to achieve this. The Workers would be better served by immigration control, full employment and higher wages.
What I am surprised by, is the fact that the Labour Party and Trade Unionist are siding with big business on the matter of remaining in Europe when Exit from the EU and controlled borders are the only way that we can achieve full employment and the upward pressure on wage levels which will follow. An aim which any good socialist should identify with!
The Labour Party, Big Business and Trade Unionists are, indeed, strange bedfellows in the matter of the EU.
Today we have seen the first ‘Leave Europe’ martyr; The Director of the Confederation of British Industry was suspended (and has now resigned) for expressing the view that there was a bright future for Britain outside the EU. Not only are the ‘Stay-In’ campaign conducting ‘project fear’, they are now denying ‘Brexit’ supporters free speech! I trust that all reasonable ‘Remainers’ will condemn the CBI’s action and that none of the businesses polled by Phil Wilson will suspend or dismiss any employees who express the view that Britain would be better-off outside the EU.
The latest ‘Stay-In’ fear campaign now says that, should Britain leave the EU, there could be a ‘domino’ effect’ that will lead to the collapse of the EU.  However, history tells us that we cannot change the EU from within:
– We told the EU that the Euro was such a bad idea that we would not join it; the Euro has turned into a disaster, so bad, that the EU tried to get Britain to help bail out Greece!
– We told them that their Schengen open borders was a bad idea and that we would not join; there is now an unprecedented migration crisis in the EU, that the EU are now looking to Britain to help resolve!
– David Cameron negotiated for substantial reform of the EU on the basis that if they did not allow substantial reform then we could vote to leave.  The EU did not allow any substantial reform. They are incapable of doing so.
The facts of the matter are that the EU is bent on self-destruction, the EU Commission is undemocratic and the Member States have lost the support of their populations.   Now is a- once-in-a-lifetime chance for the British electorate to repatriate the government of Britain to Westminster.  In 2020 you will then get a chance to elect a truly democratic British Government which represents the wants of the British electorate and not self-seeking big business and banks.
Alastair P.G. Welsh