Dates for your diary:
Coffee, Cake & Stuff being held on Thursday, 16th November from 11.00am to 2.00pm. Please come and join us at our popular Coffee, Cake & Stuff, which will be our last one for 2023, where we will be selling our gorgeous homemade sweet and savoury bakes. Please contact Elizabeth on 07813 523050 or Christine on 07981 992686 for details.
Christmas Quiz being held on Friday, 15th December, 7.00pm for a prompt 7.30pm start, maximum of six team members at £10 per person which will include pie served with mushy peas and nibbles, please advise of any special dietary requirements including if you prefer a vegetarian option when purchasing tickets.
There is no bar so bring your own drinks. Stephen Quigley will be our quiz master for the evening. Please contact Zanna on 07929 916725 for tickets and if you require any further information.
If you are able to assist at any of our events (duties may include setting the hall up, serving food/drinks and general housekeeping for our hall) and would like to become a ‘Friend of our Hall’ please contact Georgette on 07951 758118 to be added to our contact list.
Thank you for supporting our various events during 2023, and we look forward to see you at our hall.
School Aycliffe Community Association