Zanshin Kai Karate, based at Woodham Community Centre, recently held their first club grading of the year & our instructor team were impressed with the hard work and effort shown by all our students who went on to successfully gain their new belts.
Congratulations to our Red Dragons Cadets (5-10 years):
8th Mon Green Belt: Logan & Ava Morrallee, Jaxon & Jude Ross and Zoori Bharti;
7th Mon Orange Belt: Roman Tinkler, Katie Walsh and Alice Bizukojc;
5th Mon Blue Belt: Claudia Dunn, Ellis Newton;
4th Mon Purple Belt: Eva Nisbet, Alan Field and Ollie Mincher;
3rd Mon: Archie Moss.
This was followed by Senior class grading (11 years upward), well done also to the following:
8th Kyu Yellow Belt: Sammy Lake, Jack Arnott;
6th Kyu Green Belt: Nathan Killiman, Oliver Ridley;
3rd Kyu Brown Belt: Erin Sutherland;
2nd Kyu Brown Belt: Adam Smith, Emma Smith, Chloe Tranter.
We finished off, the following week, with our annual black belt grade with the following results:
1st Dan Black Belt: Julia Quinonez;
2nd Dan Black Belt: Jodie Mcmaster;
3rd Dan Black Belt: Mick Laycock.
Chief Instructors Dave Noble and Andy Dawson, who founded the club in 2000 and have been teaching and training for over thirty years, were then presented by Cobra Martial Arts Association with their 7th Dan Black Belt grade.
If you ever wanted to try Karate, then we would like to invite you to come and join us, all newcomers get four weeks free trial classes. Classes are held on Thursdays: 5.45pm to 6.45pm Red Dragons (Cadets). Sunday: 4.15pm to 6.15pm Juniors and Adults.
Contact: Zanshin-Kai Karate at Woodham Community Centre, Tel: 07917 203421 / 07921 330796 or email:
Facebook: (zanshin kai karate newton aycliffe)