Calling all local residents – S.A.C.A needs you!
Do you or do you know anyone that would be interested in setting up a regular keep fit session, salsa, Pilates, or martial arts group? We offer very reasonable rates and already have an established yoga class, craft and chat session, coffee, cake and stuff, which is very popular and on most occasions is sold out, and a ladies group held monthly and includes a speaker.
New to our events calendar is a children’s craft session, held monthly, where children are encouraged to make crafts from re-cycling everyday items. These need to be pre-booked and light refreshments are included in ticket price.
We are also looking for residents that would like to join our team of volunteers who are able to help us set up for our events, assist with serving refreshments and help clear up – any help is greatly received.
For further details please visit our Facebook page or contact Tony Robinson on 07807 134942.