Dear Sir,

I think I have found an understanding of what makes the mind, body and soul feel at one at Aspire Fitness and Leisure. I visited this innovative, friendly and dynamic studio with my wife, and we were welcomed into a world where it isn’t about the body beautiful, but taking ownership of all aspects of self through exercise with a variety of methods of membership.

Our first class was Body Combat which includes elements of Karate, Tae Kwon Do and other martial arts, all carried out to the latest chart hits and a few classics as well.

We then started to attend BootCamp at 6.30 am, which is for everyone. No one is left out, and it is geared at your level, pushing you beyond what you thought possible with fitness, including the dreaded burpees.

Body Attack is a range of movements to push the boundaries of fitness through aerobic movement and again done in a way that you feel you are achieving by improving your personal fitness.

Body Pump strengthens the body whilst giving you time to strengthen your soul through calm, stepped movements that push your muscle groups in a dynamic and contemporary way to current and classic tracks.

Aspire has created a place for me to regain my self-esteem, to look at myself in a mirror and be happy with the person that is looking back. I may not have Brad Pitt abs ‘yet’ but I am fitter, happier and healthier for walking through the doors of Aspire 3 months ago.

Sherri and Sharon (instructors) are all about fitness and deliver it in such a way that you feel as though they are personally motivating you, albeit in a group session.  It is good to be involved in fitness in my local community in an environment that is warm and friendly, but not too warm as it does get hot and sweaty in Studio One at times during a tough Body Combat Session!

If any men reading this think these kind of classes are ‘girly’ I can assure you they aren’t. It’s tough, it’s dynamic, it’s as hard as you want to make it.  Equally they have a balance that energises you even although you leave the classes completely exhausted, taking away any negativity and leaving you feeling complete and wanting to go back for more and I suggest you give it a go.

My wife and I have improved our lifestyle and we are also making new friends. I am over 40 and my health was becoming a concern, but at Aspire I feel that I am able to peel back the years and haven’t felt fitter in a long time.

Thank you to Aspire for delivering a unique framework to fitness through classes that are aimed at everyone. I would like to praise Sharon and Sherrie for organising the charity Combatathon on the 22nd September for Mandi MacMaster and family where we kicked, punched and karate chopped our way against Cancer for 2 hours solid.

David Cummins