Woodham Academy took part in the annual fund raising event for ‘Jeans for Genes’ on Friday 20th September. The event was preceded by a series of Year Assemblies given by Mrs Barker, ‘Jeans for Genes’ co co-ordinator.
She told students about the damage genetic disorders can cause and the heartache they bring to parents and children. She explained to students that wearing jeans to school for the day helps research into genetic disorders go forward and supports families with children living with genetic disorders.
As always the assembly ended with her notorious  ‘Jeans for Genes’ rap and to the sound of students repeating her  words ‘Jeans on the Outside, Genes on the inside, you look OK so  your genes must be fine, but I tell you man they are different from mine!’
The Academy raised £527.00 towards this great cause by students wearing their jeans and donating to the cause.

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